Summary of Program4T's Student Excel is a ten week professional skill set development program for youth between the ages of 16 - 17. Youth enrolled in the program will spend four weeks in Inherent Skill Set Identification Training then placed into workshops for four weeks.
Upon successful completion of workshop, the remaining two weeks participants, their teachers and a 4T's Program Administrator who will review and take a post program evaluation of their experience in the program that provides them education completeion along with support and guidance with college and career research. |
Program OverviewThe Student Excel Program is designed to help particpants identify their inherent skill set then align their skill set to their education in order to advance in school in preparation for higher education or a career. Applicants will go through a competitive application and interview process. Once selected, they will attend four weeks of a skill set identification training before being assigned to a workshop.
The trainings will include: Identify Inherent Skill Sets, 5 year education and career plans, college research, time and financial management. Throughout the program, participants will receive support and coaching and will work with coaches during post program evaluation to guide them on college and career research for a successful future. |